America's Future

  The following summary is for those who question what many of the 70+ million people who voted for Trump think as they contend that the recent election was dangerously rife with fraud.  Since many of those people are likely your friends, family, co-workers and neighbors, and since this issue is very important to our nation because it reaches far beyond the 2020 election, I hope you'll be intellectually curious enough to take this little journey...


Firstly, we should recognize that there's basically two groups of people in terms of where they get their news:

  • Those who's source of news is primarily, if not exclusively, the mainstream media and big tech companies (e.g., CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, Yahoo!, MSN, etc.). To some extent it's understandable that this group of people are perplexed, sometimes even angry, with those who contend the election was rife with fraud.  By far this group are those who voted for President Biden in the recent election.

  • The other group of people are those who believe the mainstream media (MSM) and Big Tech (BT) are strongly biased and, thus, this group also gets news from other sources.  As a result, they're aware that voter fraud at a massive and material level occurred.  If you're in the former group, those statements can be frustrating to you; but if you dare read more, hopefully you'll better understand...



At a higher level, when people no longer believe the voting process is legitimate such that a particular party candidate wins elections without lawfully winning elections, then they become frustrated because they don't have a way to make change within a corrupt government system.

It's similar to when the founders of our nation stood against against tyranny and formed the United States -- after a lot of discussions, debates, and even rebellion.  Quite frankly, we owe them a huge debt of gratitude. I wonder what legacy our generation will leave?


First corrupt governments take away the right to have their citizens' vote counted fairly because if they can achieve that, they have complete control. For that to work, however, they must take away the voices of those who object.  Also recognize that while our Constitutional right to peacefully assemble was written in a time when people had to "assemble" in person, today's version of that looks a lot more like how we assemble and communicate ideas via social media (again, something happening now by BT, especially for those want to discuss the idea of election fraud further).


One critical thing we all must watch now is we're going to continue to use methods highly exposed to ways to commit fraud, or are we going to agree that a fundamental cornerstone of our democracy is that we need a voting system that is above reproach from either side?  The current administration's stance on that issue will tell us a lot about their intent. 

If our voting process does not change, you must ask yourself a fundamental question: why is it the republican party wants to ensure we have rules and processes in place to ensure elections are legal and not prone to ways to cheat, and yet the democratic party wants our election process such that counting one vote per one legally registered voter is questionable? 

VOTER ID: I've never seen a good reason presented for why not requiring an ID does more good than harm.  In the very rare case a person who wishes to vote does not have an ID, the question is why an American citizen isn't able to obtain one prior to voting, just as one obtains and uses ID's for very common activities like driving, traveling on airplanes and buses, renting vehicles and equipment, renting or purchasing a home, getting a hotel room, opening a bank account, cashing a check, picking a child up from school, using government services, and on and on.  Quite frankly, one can ask a reasonable question that if someone is not functioning in a normal capacity, are they even capable of making an informed decision to vote?

Let's agree to be sensible!  Many other countries, at least those not under the iron fist of oppressive governments, have that commonsense law in place. Mail-in voting is also ripe with the potential for fraud, and if you review the videos I'll include further below, you can see that we've jumped from the potential for fraud to it being a reality, which undermines the very fabric of a government of, by and for the people!

That's one of many disconnects, so let's continue...


It's been a long-known fact the MSM leaned left, but they used to at least have enough journalistic integrity to try and mask it.  Now, however, they don't even pretend to only report the news so that listeners may come to their own conclusions.  Even the headlines are often written so that if people do nothing more than see headlines (sadly all some people do, and the MSM knows it), they're presented with a very opinionated spin on the news. The blatant bias rightfully stirs distrust for those who recognize it.  For those who do not, I beg you to open your minds a little more and think some things through.

There's good reason the First Amendment of our Constitution is around the basic right of free speech.  Only in recent years have we ventured into new territory where we get our news online like we do. It's something that needs to be addressed immediately because of how important social media and other places that naturally get eyeballs (e.g., landing pages for browsers, links from popular e-mail services, and so on).
As noted earlier, for those who align with the democratic party, it's a convenient place to land for having those with opposing views quieted. However, as one sees their friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors make serious accusations about the integrity of the recent election and then state their First Amendment rights are being trampled, people who ignore the problems will go down in history as having let it so happen under their watch. 
That is, at a certain point, you have to ask yourself why so many of the people you know have the opinions they do.  Do you think they're just not as smart as you, despite the fact many are in positions at work and in the community suggesting otherwise.  What about the idea that the republicans support the idea of public debate and the democrats are working hard to shut down any sites that present ideas that oppose theirs?  Does it not seem the democratic party is acting a lot like Communist regimes do?

Even at face value, as we consider how tight the race was (despite all the false reporting from the pollsters, promoted by none other than the MSM which in and of itself should raise some suspicions) it should give one pause to consider something is amiss.  I urge those who contend nothing is amiss to at least give it more than a shrug as you tune back to the same source that conveniently validates your viewpoint when there are so many logical disconnects.


Another disconnect is how the large MSM corporations, run by rich owners and powerful corporations (ironically, the groups that many supporters of the democratic party dislike), support the democratic party which openly states that their wealth will be taken. Do you not see the logical flaw?  Could it be they know that the words will not be followed in action and that the words are meant for those foolish enough to believe them?
So, what if you're being played?  What if in a few years you find yourself, agreeing with many of us who are worried that the MSM is aligned with a government that's become too powerful?  Now I'm not necessarily saying you would ever vote for Trump, or even align with the republican party; but what if the democratic party moves so far left and into a socialist way of thinking, or their policies fail miserably such that gas prices increase, unemployment becomes painful, inflation becomes problematic, the geopolitical climate becomes unstable, etc.; thus, you want new leadership?  Remember, if the election process has been undermined so badly that you have no recourse at the voting booth, what will you do?  Speak up?  No, not if you've allowed that right to be taken away too.... because those rights can be taken away quite easily for all if allowed to be taken away for some!!!

Eventually it will become such that our government is no longer of the people, by the people, and for the people, as expressed by Abraham Lincoln.  


To itching ears who listen to leaders in the democratic party speak about handouts and a "robin hood" fiscal policy that suggests money will be taken from the rich and given to the poor and middle class, it sounds great.  However, for many of us who believe our economic and government systems are far superior ideas than competing models, we understand it's a very bad idea to try to change what's been proven to work better than any other economic system.

Recognize that for most of us who align with either party, we would be hurting ourselves if we didn't sign up for the idea of getting more money for the same, or less, amount of effort we're exerting now.  That is, if getting ahead was as easy as casting a vote for candidates who will take from the rich and redistribute the wealth to the poor and middle class, then I'm sure more than only half the nation would be voting for that.  Question is, does that ever happen in practice?  If you believe so, please point me to a country better than America, and explain why there is not a massive desire for people to move to, not from, those socialist countries?

The idea that corporations are going to foot much of the bill for America is an illusion as well.  Do you know what really happens when large companies are taxed more?  They increase their prices to absorb the additional taxes because they have to survive financially. All things equal they have to attract investment money for the companies -- and shareholders aren't going to just start accepting less in the U.S. stock market, nor should they when the health of our stock market impacts everyone who has a retirement account, not just the rich.  You know who the higher prices especially harm... you guessed right if you said it will hurt the poor and middle class much more than the rich who can more easily absorb an increase in living expenses -- if not find loopholes around it from their friends in Congress such that it's all smoke and mirrors when all is said and done.

So, in essence, higher taxes on corporations are passed to the consumer in the form of higher prices.  That, in turn, creates inflation which weakens the purchasing power of your paycheck when prices rise faster than wages.  It also helps those who loan money (the rich, banks, etc.) and it harms those who borrow money (homeowners, those who take out auto loans, anyone who has credit card debt, and so on).


The MSM has misdirected the conversation, because it's not as much about the facts and accomplishments of Trump and the platform on which Biden and Harris stand (I'll explain more about that in a bit).  Rather, it has become a barrage of personal attacks on a single man (Trump) because it's easier to attack character than discuss substantive policies, compare the track records and positions of each candidate, etc.  To paraphrase Margaret Thatcher, the highly respected former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, when people only attack at a personal level, it means they no longer have any political argument.

If I had tuned into only the MSM/BT, I would abhor Donald Trump as much as those who have been conditioned to do so via the steady stream of toxic information and sometimes outright lies, if not out-of-context reports from the MSM/BT.  Granted, like many others, I can see Trump often lacks diplomacy, and can be abrasive; yet the same can be said of Biden because, for those of us who watch more than just the MSM, we have witnessed clips of Biden's actions when he's confronted by anything other than soft, easy questions by the news media, or if he's interacting with an American asking a legitimate, tough question.  

It's reasonable to think that if the MSM were to attack him like they have Trump for the past four years, we would see Biden behave the same, if not worse, than Trump. For anyone who questions my assertion, I'll post videos of Biden's reactions to real questions at the end of this article. Be very careful of that glass house you're casting stones at Trump from.

Along those lines, if you look at past videos of Trump the Billionaire, he was adored by Hollywood and the press.  He was fun, charismatic, and liked... but as soon as he showed interest in politics that did not suit their agenda, he suddenly became an evil Orange Man, with selfish motives, lousy character, and all that.  Thankfully many people who think on their own (arguably 70+ million Americans who voted for Trump) realize the MSM/BT is full of lies, half-truths, and so on.


America didn't win the cold war through direct military conflict; rather, we won it because we had a military such that no world leader wanted to challenge the United States and, moreover, our economic might was/is such that our way of life made the idea of communism pale in comparison.  Government intervention is kept to a minimum and the free market has maximum control except for situations where laws and regulations protect consumers from monopolies, oligopolies, and other situations where consumers could be taken advantage of without regulatory oversight.  In other words, "the invisible hand" economic theory of Adam Smith is allowed to work to maximize benefit to a society.  There's good reason that many economists consider Adam Smith "the Father of Economics" due to his ground-breaking ideas outlined in his book, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations published in 1776 (interesting date, right?)

If you understand the ideas about the superiority of a free market and capitalism, then you can understand how there are people who fear some in the democratic party who want to change that.  At a much smaller level we can observe the trouble democrat-led states such as California are in, then compare that to Republican states like Texas.  Just like America is so great that people from other countries want to move here in much greater numbers than vice versa, Texas is experiencing an influx of people from other parts of the country (particularly California) because republican leadership encourages business to thrive.


The democrats would like to make Trump go away.  Could it be that they are so afraid of the guy who supposedly lost the election that they want to set it up so he could not run again and they hope to undermine his influence overall?

As for the impeachment excuse, if you think Trump was responsible for the small group of people who broke into the Capitol, even when he (and other republican leaders) immediately stepped forward and told the masses to go home as they condemned the violence (something Biden never did when we witnessed violence and looting in cities across America for weeks this past summer), then you're just buying into the narrative the MSM wants you to believe.  

Trump did not promote violence and it's a huge stretch to think he did. As Rush Limbaugh has pointed out:

Have you noticed how nobody in the media is playing Trump’s speech? Nobody is replaying Trump’s speech illustrating how he incited this, "attack on Congress." Why is this? I mean, you would think that they would be wall-to-wall with this. Wouldn’t you? If they had audiotape, videotape, whatever they have, of Trump inciting the mob like the New York Times headline said there, they’d have it on a repeating loop, right? You couldn’t miss it. Where is it?

By the way, it's recently come out that Trump's speech that day was made after there were plans to riot, and many suspect those plans were orchestrated by Antifa.  It's not unreasonable to think that some bad players with an agenda to incite the crowd infiltrated the crowd and incited some to bad action. Let's set aside who instigated it, or even who was caught (reports suggest it was both Trump supporters and, interestingly, NON-Trump supporters alike).  Rather, let's agree that either side could have fringe groups they do not align with.  

If we were to hold the same standards, then many leaders on the left should be equally censored as they goaded on people who were rioting (and looting, which is a whole different idea) in the streets over the summer, storming state capitols, breaking into the Supreme Court, shutting down businesses, and so on.  You know what the democrat leadership said about that?  It was called "the voice of democracy".  I won't even comment any further about how ludicrous it is.  Rand Paul exposes the hypocrisy and I'll post a video of his speech in the Senate further below.

If you look at the actual tweets that twitter is claiming incited violence, they're making a HUGE stretch to suggest Trump was suggesting violence, that the Capitol be stormed, etc.  I follow a lot of media outlets from the right and nobody was suggesting that would solve anything, to include Trump.  It makes no sense that he would.  He may not be the most politically correct person, but he's not inept or so out of touch that he'd suggest violence would solve the problem.

Here are the tweets that Twitter found so objectionable that our President's account was permanently revoked: 

  • "The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!"
  • "To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the inauguration on January 20th."

Oh, and then there's the tweet of Trump noting he's not attending the inauguration. Arguably that would create LESS distraction.  Moreover, it's not a ridiculous idea to think that Trump, and many others across America, want no part of that ceremony given we doubt the person being sworn into office won the election via a fair election process.


If the Supreme Court had the courage to hear the case, the whole matter could have been settled for all to see.  It's a very important distinction that it's not that they heard the case and determined no voter fraud happened; rather, they didn't even hear the case!!! If there really was no merit to the case, then to hear that and state such in front of the world, when there are millions of people who think otherwise, would have been the right thing to do.  It would have shut down the debate, the march in front of the Capitol wouldn't have even happened, or the turnout would have been much smaller.

Just at face value one has to ask why republicans are extremely eager to have all the facts examined in a court of law, where both sides have equal opportunity to present and refute the accusations, and yet the democrats do not want any such court case.  Does that not give you reason to ask why?  Why did the left so strongly object to going to court if their narrative that there was no fraud was true?  With nothing to hide, doing so would have given them the authority to stop the discussion and implement whatever policies they want with the unquestionable support of most American citizens.  However, wanting the discussion to go away, deflecting the topic to other issues (like impeaching Trump during his final days in office) and putting up legal fights to dismiss cases before the courts -- and American people -- ever hear the evidence of voter fraud just adds fuel to the fire of those who know the election was stolen.

It's those exact types of situations that define the very purpose of the SCOTUS; but rather than hear the case and let all the evidence, or lack thereof, be presented to them and the American people, the SCOTUS said that other states did not have a right to challenge the processes of states voting in our federal election because, to paraphrase, it was none of their business.  Are you kidding me????  It's just logical that if some states are conducting their voting methods unlawfully such that it's believed it will determine the election results for ALL STATES, that ALL STATES have an equal and vested interest in that process.  

For the record, some Justices were willing to hear the case; but obviously not enough. That doesn't make it right and arguably just stirs the waters of political contention and questions of the legality of the election all the more.  Once again, if you are on the left and that seems like a convenient outcome, I implore you to step back and consider the very slippery slope you're on.  It may work for your beliefs now; but what recourse will you have when it no longer does?


Those who seek out other sources recognize that Biden has major scandals lurking such that he may end up impeached.  We also have to consider he's very likely suffering from dementia.  I don't say that in a mean way and if you question that assertion, I'll post evidence that supports the idea his cognitive abilities are very questionable along with a few scandals lurking around the corner.  I doubt anyone who only watches the MSM is even aware given the level of protection that he receives. As you watch the video, note that it's not just that he struggles to find a word to use now and then like anyone does.  I'm sure anyone, including Trump, who does a lot of public speaking can be found stumbling through a speech.  Biden's issue, however, are at a much deeper level, wherein he appears disoriented, unaware of where he is, and he lacks the ability to recollect basic information that would have been core to speeches he rehearsed a few times.

In fact, as we look back at the campaigns for both candidates, it's fairly evident that the MSM just pitched softball questions and didn't interrogate him anywhere near how they did Trump. In some instances, it's clear Biden was failing to follow tele-prompts, and his interactions strongly suggest he was given the questions and rehearsed the answers well ahead of time. Even the atmosphere, void of a live audience, was odd for a candidate running for the most powerful position in the world.  As an aside, that's another highly suspicious issue: how did a guy who hid in his basement for months, doing pathetic video interviews and with such a low energy level manage to win more votes than Barrack Obama?  Many believe he didn't except for the mass dump of illegal votes.

Contrast Biden's treatment by the MSM with how President Trump was treated, and anyone who thinks they're getting an unbiased version of the news are not being intellectually honest with themselves.  Many people doubt that Biden will be our president for long.  It's perplexing that somehow Joe Biden was the best that the democratic party could do: except perhaps we need to recognize that a hollowed out, has-been politician is much easier to control -- or quickly move aside if necessary.  Kamala Harris and her agenda is potentially more dangerous, so it's not enough to just say we'll turn the country over to her and the democratic party... remember, the democratic party you think you know may not be the one we see here shortly.

Kamala was soundly rejected in the democrat primaries, yet here she is in a position where she is one of the most likely VP's in history to take over as President. It's great to think we could have our first female president, but a key to that is that it needs to be the right person, with the right policies, that will unite our country and build on the success we've enjoyed for decades.  Someone who wants to change all that is arguably not the leader we want for our country. 

If you disagree, it sounds like you want to live in a socialist country.  I'd suggest you move one. Best wishes.


The MSM won't tell you, but Trump accomplished a lot for the American people in only a few years -- and despite constantly having to swim upstream against the MSM/BT, a politically weaponized pandemic, and a venomous political party that showed the public it was willing to withhold funds to needful American citizens for fear success would help Trump -- even when those actions harmed Americans!  Does that sound like a government looking out for its citizens or one that values power more? 

Foreign Relations

The MSM suggests Trump will get us into war, yet the facts are he brokered multiple Middle East Peace Accords, something that couldn't be achieved after decades of political intervention and wars.  In fact, he's the first president who has not engaged us in war since President Eisenhower.  Meanwhile he stood against North Koreans and stopped them sending missiles toward Japan and from threatening the West Coast of the United States.  He also forced NATO to start paying their dues -- like they should have been all along. 

Thankfully Trump rebuilt our military such that we are a deterrent force. If Biden gets into office, I fear that our enemies will be emboldened to return to their previous ways, possibly worse than ever.  Already we're seeing them bolder than ever with cyber-attacks, and that's just the beginning. I'll post a video about Biden's connections to China and the obvious conflict of interest that exist.  It's a really big deal given China has publicly stated they intend to topple the United States as the world's most powerful nation.


Economic Policy

Speaking of China, Trump negotiated (forced) major trade deals with China, resulting in better prices and bringing hundreds of businesses, especially in the manufacturing sector, back to America. It's clear that China is not warm to Trump, and that they are to Biden.  Recognizing China is essentially our enemy (esp. economically, which is demonstrated by how they previously took advantage of us via trade deals, stole intellectual rights, etc.), it's not a good thing they prefer a Biden presidency!  

Just like you should question how it is the rich and powerful MSM allegedly support the idea their wealth is going to be taken and redistributed, you should question the idea that China wants Biden as president. I won't digress too far or get overly conspiratorial, but we must remember COVID-19 originated in China, during the election year, and had a major impact to our voting process.

I'm saddened to see some of the people I know who support Biden do not realize that their jobs will be at risk once Biden takes office. Meanwhile, we can anticipate oil/gas and natural gas prices increase and inflation kick in so that it outpaces wages.  Those things erode the purchasing power of your paycheck, and they empower those who loan money while they materially hurt those who need to borrow it (mortgages, auto loans, and other debt).  

In contrast, Trump lowered taxes, increased the standard deduction on federal tax returns, and caused the stock market to rise to record levels, positively impacting the retirement accounts of tens of millions of citizens.  Trump has also enacted "price transparency" so that hospitals will be required to state their real costs up front: which empowers the consumer, you and I, to shop around like we do in other industries.  He's also pressured Big Pharma to lower prices, such as medicine that treats diabetes and so on.  He accomplished all that while fighting the endless attacks regarding Russia and Ukraine, COVID, etc.  If we all had united behind him and not allowed the MSM to dictate policy and opinion, even more could have been accomplished for the American people.

Social Policies

The MSM suggests he's "racist", yet what he has accomplished is far beyond what even former President Obama did, which is he brought jobs to the Black and Latino population in record numbers. That's why many voted for him and those populations are beginning to recognize the republican party is doing more for them than the democrats. It's the ACTIONS they're beginning to judge rather than just political rhetoric and empty promises. I pray for a day when race no longer has a place in any of the discussions, and that calling someone racist when they're not is not allowed anymore than the despicable actions that truly are racists are permitted to exist.

Most people who support Trump will be honest enough to admit the man is not politically correct, can be harsh, and so on.  He has a questionable past -- AS DOES BIDEN!!!  He is abrasive against those who are rude to him -- AS IS BIDEN.  He calls names, and he's sometimes petty -- AS IS BIDEN!!!   We can cast stones at glass houses all day, but we're not electing our next pastor and we're not looking to marry the man.  I'm telling you, if you want to engage in that conversation about character, we can; but you will find yourself likely learning a lot more than you've heard thus far about Biden.  Again, the MSM/BT is doing you a grave injustice by neglecting to report positive news about Trump and gladly feeding you negative news, and pretending Biden is a great candidate with no scandals, no questions of character, and so on.

Fight Against Corruption

If the MSM and misinformed people who follow them would allow it, Trump would "drain the swamp" and get our political system more aligned to how the forefathers envisioned it.  We all have heard the rhetoric about term limits for Congress, how they enjoy benefits and salaries while the American people suffer, and so on.  So here we have someone outside of Washington who was trying to make a change, but everyone was misdirected and taught to hate Trump more than the corrupt politicians.

It's ironic that for years we saw ad nauseam investigations into the Ukraine and Russia hoaxes, and come to find out it was the democratic party who is aligned with powerful people in those countries... not the least of which is Hunter Biden.  If you haven't heard anything about Hunter's laptops (there were three because he also took some from his business partners) and how they directly link Joe Biden to the corruption, that's because you only watch the MSM and have been victim of censorship.


  • A fair voting process.  A process that links one legal voter to each vote and that permits elections observers to actually observe the process and document any irregularities that can and should be investigated when reported.
  • Protection of the Constitution, to include free speech, peaceful assembly, right to bear arms, etc.
  • Policies that result in low unemployment.  Trump had the formula, so we'll see how the new administration does.
  • Policies that keep inflation low to ensure the purchasing power of the average citizen's paychecks is as good or better than now.
  • A strong military such that we have no wars (especially on U.S. soil).  A President who is respected, not liked, by our geopolitical adversaries.

The following is a very small sample of material that will get the point across to those who may have only listened to the MSM up until now and who are intellectually curious enough to dive deeper into all the concerns that millions of people have about the aforementioned topics.  I pray for our collective wisdom as we seek out the truth:








